New YBA equipment... Old YBA

I heard something about YBA, re-engineering and introducing a new line in the US? Is this old news? has it already been introduced and if it has, when? And was there a new name disignation. I'm thinking purchasing YBA, Passion Intgrated and CD 2. But I get confused when I see the Alpha, Delta and now a Sigma series? How can I tell them apart? I saw an ad on a passion saying it was a new Version with a blue light instead of the old Green? Did they change the amp or just the light.

Thanks for your help.
Email Audio Plus Services if you want to get info straight from the horses mouth (North American distributor). To my understanding in the Passion line the 100, 200, and 300 are the designations for the integrated amps (each giving you more power). I don't know if you have been to the YBA website (it's not easy to find) but they have a comparison feature that allows you compare any model in the line to another.

Good luck!
The Passion Integre is now renamed as Passion Integre 300 and comes with a new fascia. They are also introducing two new Passion integre models, the Passion 200 and 100 which are 75W and 50w respectively.

I own the Passion Integre amp with a blue light and my understanding is that there is very little difference with the earlier model with the green light, and no improvement to the sound quality. The same applies with regards to the latest Passion Int 300.

The Sigma series is the latest series that applies to the classic line of amps and CD players. The previous series was the Delta. YBA's biggest French dealer mentioned that there is a small improvement in the amps but a big improvement in the CD players, as you might expect.

I listened to the lastest Sigma CD players and it was a big improvement on the Delta series. I ended up buying one, The CD Passion 400 (same as the CD3 Sigma - just different fascia) which with the right interconnect is absolutely magical - as good if not better than vinyl.

Hope this helps.
I am looking for some assistance from any audiogoner that may have owned a YBA CD-1 cd player.I recently picked up a used one from a fellow audiogoner.Upon arrival I set it up and was quite impressed with the solid build and the 2 seperate power supplies.What I did not count on was that the unit was very selective in the CD,s it would read and play.About 40% of my Cd,s are useless and a on a few the unit will not read track 1 but will read track 2 and beyond.
Has anyone experienced this , do you have any suggestions?.
I am so upset with this that I am going to send it back to YBA to have it serviced and if that does not solve the problem,sell it.
Recently I auditioned the Passion line CD 400 and 600 and in all honesty the cd-1 is better on the cd,s it will read.
The dealer did have a 400 that acted up by not reading some cd,s he had but mine is a lot more finicky.
Sorry realized that I posted my unit as aCD-1 it is the CD-3 replaced recently by the CD 1000 Passion series.

I have YBA CD-2 and I had to clean the blue light with a cutip and some lens cleaning solution (use what is available) and it fixed the problem of reading tracks. Also, I noted that YBA simply won't play home made CDs but never gave problems with red book cds. If this is giving problem, you definitely need to get it serviced. I hope it helps..