New YBA equipment... Old YBA

I heard something about YBA, re-engineering and introducing a new line in the US? Is this old news? has it already been introduced and if it has, when? And was there a new name disignation. I'm thinking purchasing YBA, Passion Intgrated and CD 2. But I get confused when I see the Alpha, Delta and now a Sigma series? How can I tell them apart? I saw an ad on a passion saying it was a new Version with a blue light instead of the old Green? Did they change the amp or just the light.

Thanks for your help.
I am looking for some assistance from any audiogoner that may have owned a YBA CD-1 cd player.I recently picked up a used one from a fellow audiogoner.Upon arrival I set it up and was quite impressed with the solid build and the 2 seperate power supplies.What I did not count on was that the unit was very selective in the CD,s it would read and play.About 40% of my Cd,s are useless and a on a few the unit will not read track 1 but will read track 2 and beyond.
Has anyone experienced this , do you have any suggestions?.
I am so upset with this that I am going to send it back to YBA to have it serviced and if that does not solve the problem,sell it.
Recently I auditioned the Passion line CD 400 and 600 and in all honesty the cd-1 is better on the cd,s it will read.
The dealer did have a 400 that acted up by not reading some cd,s he had but mine is a lot more finicky.
Sorry realized that I posted my unit as aCD-1 it is the CD-3 replaced recently by the CD 1000 Passion series.

I have YBA CD-2 and I had to clean the blue light with a cutip and some lens cleaning solution (use what is available) and it fixed the problem of reading tracks. Also, I noted that YBA simply won't play home made CDs but never gave problems with red book cds. If this is giving problem, you definitely need to get it serviced. I hope it helps..
I have a audio refinement CD player that I don't use anymore. It's collecting dust. Why? The digital output of this unit never alined with the AVM20 digital input, so I couldn't use it. The two channel analog audio worked fine and sounded very good. However, the DACs on the AVM20 seemed to be as good if not better. So I have a Toshiba DVD player I use as a transport and my system sounds great that way. If you go with an Integrated Amp with a DAC frontend, save yourself some money and buy a good DVD player as a transport.
>> save yourself some money and buy a good DVD player as a
>> transport.

well said indeed!
some months ago I bought a SOny DVP-S7000 DVD player to use as a transport (with a Scott Nixon DAC) & I have not looked back at all! Betters my older H/K 1-box CD player. Is inferior to my modified Wadia 861SE but gives the latter a good run for the money (& it's a stock DVP-S7000 unit!).