New Year, New Music


any epic releases, any genre, slated in 2016?

Showing 3 responses by chazro

Here's some Contemporary Electric Instrumental Music, some may call it Jazz Fusion, I just consider them to be smokin' musical experiences!;)

Dean Brown - Rolajafufu
The Funky Knuckles - New Birth
Oz Noy - Who Gives A Funk?
Sao Paulo Ska Jazz - Gringo
Scott Kinsey - Near Life Experience
Snarky Puppy - Culcha Vulcha
Gary Willis - Larger Than Life

Anyone with an iTunes account can sample this music and I very strongly recommend that you do so!  Give it a shot, what have you got to lose!?;)

I've mentioned Sao Paulo Ska Jazz here and elsewhere before but never received any feedback.  Gottatellya, I think 'Gringo' is very good, but their self titled debut album is the better record so you might want to give it a shot also!

"If you haven’t already, you ought to drop a link to this stuff on that Jazz Aficionado crowd. Wake up those stiffs! 
:-) Just kidding. Some of ’em will dig it."

Lol!!!  I hear ya!  Gotta say, while they (sometimes) post some great stuff, the overall feel of the thread seems more like geriatric aficionados, I've always imagined the main players over there to be somewhere between 70-80 yrs old as it explains some of the perpetual state of crankiness they seem to be in (and the period of music they seem locked into).  I sometimes drop in there and it's always the SOS, grumpy old Walter Matthau-ish men regurgitating the same tired arguments over and over ad nauseum.  I wonder how many music-lovers follow that thread for the blow-ups more than the music?  It feels like you're watching a Real Housewives Of Audiogon episode!;)