Newbie questions - Seeking a streamer with the right features - I'm confused!

OK, here is the situation.

I have a boatload of CDs I want to rip to disk and be able to stream.  I also intend to add to my music library by purchasing digital music files.

I want to "playback" digital music in two ways:

1) Connect the output of the streamer to my Parasound P5 preamp.  This preamp has both DAC digital inputs, as well as analog inputs (In other words, this preamp has an internal DAC).  Most streamers I see online have digital outputs, that I can connect to the DAC input on my preamp.  Some streamers have internal DACS, and have analog outputs as well, though it seems wasteful to pay for another DAC.  I want music played back via this method to have the maximum possible fidelity.  At any rate, for this method of playback, I think I understand my options.

2) THIS is where I get confused.  I would also like to stream music from the streamer, to remote speakers in my house.  Can this be done over my local Wi-Fi network, or would the streamer have to be able to stream to Bluetooth?  What streamers out there can do this?  I know I would have to purchase special remote speakers.  I am really confused about my options here.  It's OK if the music streaming via this method not be the best quality, just reasonable quality.

The most I can afford to spend on a streamer is $3000, MAX.  Is there anything out there that I can perform both use cases above?  Given my confusion, I suspect I have some sort of fundamental misunderstanding.


Showing 1 response by junzhang10

You don't need another streamer. Your laptop or PC is your streamer. You could load Tidal or Qobus app onto your PAC and use USB cable to connect to you Parasound P5. On window based PC, you might need install P5 DAC driver. Mac you don't need.