News: Qobuz Hi-Res platform's debut is scheduled for this October. See Qobuz Links below

I have been looking for information on Qobuz for many months and finally was able to get some useful information about its "scheduled" release date, information on who is working at Qobuz, some features and other background information.   I will add additional information as I get it.  Please see:

1) Qobuz Names Music Industry Veteran Dan Mackta Managing Director USA with more Key Executives for U.S. Launch:

2) Qobuz Named Official High-Resolution Streaming Service of Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest:

Some Qobuz Features are:
Over 40 million 16/44 tracks and over 2 million high-resolution tracks up to 24/192 bit high resolution.

You can actually off-line any album or track onto your computer, phone and many servers. So if your Internet is not up to full 24/192 streaming, but you need to have a perfect demo, you can download unlimited playlists and albums in high resolution. 

About Qobuz
Founded in 2007, Qobuz is a French commercial online music streaming and download service that addresses the needs of curious and discerning music lovers across the globe. It is currently available in Europeand the UK and Ireland. Complementing its unparalleled expertise in sound quality, Qobuz includes an exceptional range of music genres as well as exclusive editorial content. Qobuz offers subscription to streaming services with CD quality and Hi-Res audio spanning all genres. The service also offers the largest catalogue of 24-bit Hi-Res albums for download. For more information, visit:

My Aurender N10 Music Sever already supports Qobuz streaming and I am anxious to start listening to Qobuz music streaming.  


Showing 4 responses by dusted1

$350 LUMP sum payment for what still boils down to a limited amount of 24/192 titles.A ripoff if you ask me.
I’m not surprised at all it is taking this long to announce something-what happened to Sony’s participation with MQA? What happened to hd tracks-STREAMING? Both MIA.It’s my guess these services can’t get the content (at least for what they want to pay for it) from the content owners (labels, or artists).
I just want to know will they have a good search engine where someone with say an iPhone can take a peek exactly what artists/titles are available in hirez for download and stream BEFORE we sign up? 
BTW,what ever happened to HDtracks-streaming? Did they ever come back and officially say it’s NOT going to happen now or is it just delayed -indefinitely?