No Stereophile review for Aragon Palladium II?

I have demoed this amp off and on for the last several years. Never was able to plunk the cash down for a new pair until now. I know its an excellent product, and everyone else knows its an excellent product. So how come I can't find any reviews on it? I'm about to take the plunge here and grab a pair on closeout before the whole Aragon line gets its facelift for next year. I like to also grab all the documentation I can find on the products I buy--for future reference. Anyone have any links?--Input? Also, anyone think I should wait for the new amps?

Showing 1 response by sattothestars

Aragon never really had money to advertise and play the same game as the mass production companies.When Paul Rosenberg sold Mondial to Klipsch,and influx of cash was gained.Klipsch obviously is seriously throwing money into the former Mondial lineup.The fact you cannot find reviews on certain Aragon products in no way relates to an inferior product.Quite the contrary.Most of the high end Aragon has been considered the poor man's Krell.The Palladium IIs can give any Krell a run for the money at a much more reasonble cost.If you are getting them at a good price go for it.