OK, so seriously, what is up with TMR's pricing here??

I'm not saying it's high or low, though I've read here that they're over-priced.  I'm talking about the number of the price itself.  Examples:

speakers:  $1008.00

pre-amp:  $504.00

pre-pro:  $1310.00

speakers:  $6644.00

speakers:  $2846.00

music server:  $351.00 ( this has to be my favorite)  What's with the $1.00?

turntable:  $2017.00  (17 bucks, really?)

DAC:  $382.00

monoblocks:  $5219.00

You get the idea...It's just weird man. 

It is also possible that they enter their cost for an item in the computer and it multiplies that figure by a desired percentage for the sale price.  The computer would not care if that figure was not an even number, but would automatically arrive at a price for each item.  I used to use Quickbooks in my business, and it had that feature.
I remember at the site I worked the speed limit signs said 13 miles per hour.
It did get everyones attebtion.

I wouldn't be surprised if one day we see a high end pair of speakers being advertised like this:

One for $8.56 and the second for $12,854.37.  (must buy both)

+1 for lalitk, yep, just to draw some attention.

But you missed the best one,

Speakers:  $2771.01

Well, they certainly got your attention 😉

And now you’re going to draw even more attention...mission accomplished!