OPPO 83 and Benchmark DAC 1

Anyone has used Benchmark DAC 1 with OPPO Bluray 83? Kindly share your opinions if they are good match on audio. thanks!
Couple of comments here.

1) "Perhaps the Oppo 83 has improved upon the stereo outputs over your previous Oppo players."

This is true. The -83 has completely separate DACS for the MCH vs stereo outputs. I own both the -83 and the 970. From an analog perspective there is no comparison. The 970 is dull an boring, the -83 is a joy to listen to for hours on end.

2) SACD sound great but Redbook sounds just OK.

This is absolutely not the case in my system. All audio formats sounds great. I compared the -83 to my MF Nu-Vista 3DCD and it compares very favorably. Can't say I prefer one over the other.

IMO the weak link in the -83 is not the DACs, it's the OP amps. This can be circumvented by either using digital outs, or upgrading the OP amps. I'm taking the later route as I'm other wise happy with my analog system.
Hi Knghifi,
How does your Oppo 83 with MW mod sound?

thanks for your review.

Everyone (except knghifi and danmyers) is assuming that the problem with Oppo's BDP83 is the DAC but I actually talked to Dan Modwright and he thinks the chip sets for both video and audio conversion are top notch. The achilles heel as Danmyers put it is the analog output stage. MW, among other mod outfits, currently has a solid state modification for both 2-ch and 5-ch analog output stages. Modwright is out with the solid state mod first for the BDP83 but has plans for a tube modification for the analog output stage which I am waiting for before taking the plunge. I actually think that the Oppo's CD, SACD, and DVD-A/V playback is respectable (and I am comparing that to my ARC Ref CD7, at least on red book CD playback, which clearly outperforms the Oppo unit by a country mile and it had better do so at the price differential).Yes SACD sounds better on the BDP83 than CD but I think that is a function of the higher resolution format. By beefing up the analog output stage, one ought to convert what is a very decent universal player into an audiophile quality player. Would love to hear knghifi and danmyers' experience with the MW mods.
so would i. this player if it can be modded to a decent level ie better or equal to benchmark dac on redbook can be a unique one player solution.
May I chime in without bringing everyones wrath on me. I don't understand the value in modding a DVD/BluRay player. Yes you can improve the CD playback, but as video improves then you want to sell your machine. Why not mod a cd player or older sacd player and not a bluray player.

Years back I was going to mod my Oppo 970 when it was king. After soul searching I chose a Benchmark dac and know I made the correct decision. After 2 years I sold the Oppo as video improved.

I now own an older unmodded used Sony 9000es and it music playback sound (from memory recollection) is as good as the Oppo/Benchmark combo. If you want analogue redbook playback I'd stay away from costly modds to a bluray player with a changing video playback format.