Oppo Ceasing production

Just visited Oppo's web site.  They are ceasing production of all their products and will only do warranty work and firmware support for their products.  They no longer have the resources to manufacture new products.  Didn't see this one coming.

Showing 1 response by mildbill

This was an E-mail response to me from Oppo just a couple weeks ago. It made no mention of completely going out of business. Strange and sad.


Unfortunately we have stopped the manufacturing of the Sonica DAC and the HA-2SE as we were finding that the cost of manufacturing such precision products and the sales volume were just not in a good enough equilibrium to continue their manufacturing.

So there are no current plans on manufacturing additional Soncia DAC and HA-2SE products.

Best Regards,

Customer Service
OPPO Digital, Inc.
162 Constitution Dr. Menlo Park, CA 94025Service@oppodigital.com
Tel: 650-961-1118
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