Opus 21 Exousias DB25 Power Umbilical From RSA

Has anyone tried the new Ridge Street Audio Opus 21 Exousias Power Umbilical between the Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD player Power Supply and DAC/Transport? RSA claims that it, "will transform the Opus 21's performance to a whole new level...It's a revelatory transformation". I am wondering what your thoughts are regarding this intriguing DB25 cable.
I contacted Steve at GNSC, he mentioned that they are developing a more cost efective DB25 for the Opus. No timefrime or expected cost,... I guess we'll have to wait,...
Acastano, I wrote a review on the Exousias link a few months ago, however for some ODD reason Audiogon has removed it. The Exousias cable is a major upgrade for the Opus player in every way. I was astounded at the difference it made with my system. The frequency extremes were more extended, the imaging was in another league, but most importantly it made the Opus far more believeable for a digital player. The differences are not subtle. I suggest calling Robert at RSAD to discuss the work and materials that go into this cable and then you may have a more comprhensive view as to the price. Please feel free to ask any further questions.

Does Opus 21 have PROGRAM playback?And program+repeat playback?There is no mention of it in a manual...
I found different answers to this
I don't understand what program playback is...it can repeat one song or the whole CD. Is that what you are asking?
Thank you all so much for your responses. I was taken aback when I called Resolution Audio for their input on this matter. Their response was, "the db25 cable offered by Ridge Street would not be worth the money, after all, it just passes instruction data and +5V to power the main unit - this could not possibly make a difference." While on the phone discussing the db25 cable issue I asked the question, "Would you recommend the GNSC modification to your player?" Their response was, "we would rather not comment on the mods offered by GNSC." I am assuming that there hush-hush attitude was to protect their company and not stick their foot on their mouth.

Audiobb: the player has no programming feature, but does have a very nice track/disc repeat feature.