Parasound JC2 compatibility with Quicksilver v4's

Hi Everyone,

I am new at the forum, thanks in advance for any feedback.

I was about to purchase a used pair of Quicksilver v4's when the dealer told me that my preamp (Parasound JC2) was not going to be good enough for those amps, therefore I will not get the sonic advantages of the V4's. I am a little confused by his comment (I like the JC2), maybe somebody can provide some advise. I am now running the Parasound JC2 with a pair of Monarchy SE 100's V2 or a pair of Monarchy SM 70 Pro's, depends on music/mood. 

I was also considering a pair of PrimaLuna monoblocks, I would like to have a good pair of tube monoblock amps.

Best to all,

Showing 1 response by sdcampbell

FWIW, I suggest you consider the reverse of your current plan: get a good, tube preamp and pair it with a good SS power amp. This arrangement will give you the advantages inherent in both modes of amplification. And, again FWIW, the Parasound JC-2 preamp has gotten GREAT reviews from most of the major hi-fi mags. The other writers in this thread are correct: take your JC-2 with you to the dealer to test with the Quickie.