Pass labs xa25 amp and BW 804 d3?

Can the Pass labs xa25 drive BW 804 d3's?

Showing 4 responses by jetter

From all the commercial and user reviews it would appear to me that the XA25 is the best sounding SS amplifier for all except the most inefficient speakers.  Is this how most others see this.
Thanks Al, I am kind of conflicted for the first time in a while. I always wanted a high powered amp and am on the fence between the Parasound A21+ power and the Pass XA25 sound quality. I can score a fairly good deal on both, and now am fairly tempted to buy both and sell whichever after using them in my system.  
Thanks cal, thinking about calling Reno.

gweedoargus, now that you have had your XA25 for a couple of weeks and you are a little more familiar with it could you provide a little more in depth review of how you are liking it?  Its tonality, soundstage and is it powering your speakers as you hoped? Plusses and any minuses.  I am considering this amp myself.