Pass X-150 or Cary V-12?

Does anybody have any experience with either of these amps? I am looking for a new amp for my B&W N803 speakers and am using a Placette Passive Line Stage for volume control/source selecting. I don't want to spend more than 4k and have already tried a number of amps to no avail (including Krell, Mark Levinson, Musical Fidelity, Conrad Johnson, Aragon, etc.). Thanks for any opinions on these two pieces.

Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

...less-likely Placette will be OK with Cary V12 since it has low gain and low sencitivity. I'm sure that Pass X-150 has enough gain but I'm not sure how low/high is the input impedance (20kOhm? which I'm not sure). If it's bellow 47kOhms than volume control bandwidth will narrow.
My dream is BAT VK60 or pair of those in mono configuration rather than going for new V12s
1. It is sencitive 1.2V
2. It is OK with passive preamp(I'm the passive guy too!)
3. Used one on the market is $2000 so if you want to spend $4000 than buy a pair and us them as monoblocks(120W/ch!)
4. In your current setup you will outperform Pass X150 and Cary V12 at ease!