Passive Preamp Recommendations?

I'm looking for a passive preamp to experiment with.

I currently have a McIntosh C2200 which I love but heard a Placette passive at RMAF a few years ago paired with a
Mc 252 power amp which I have and the sound was mesmerizing.

I'd like something used but used Placettes are hard to find.
I'm considering a local design - Fletcher-Harris Dimuendo -for $600. which is reasonable but would like suggestions on other possibilities.

Showing 1 response by david12

I use what is in effect, a clone of the MFA Baby Reference, built by a Hungarian gentleman. It uses the same transformers as the Baby Reference. It feeds into the ARC reference 75 Power amp and is very impressive. I got the idea from a HiFi+ review of the ARC 75 with an ARC LS27. The reviewer had a baby reference to hand and felt the Pre's were different not better than each other, the passive more air and refinement and the LS27 more slam.

I briefly heard my new 75 with the dealers Reference 3 pre, when it was delivered. Too short a period for proper comparison, but I agree with the HiFi+ reviewer and prefer my Pre. It cost by the way, £950, which is less than the current price of the S&B transfomers, so all in all a good deal.