1) My father's homemade console/stereo. 9' long, speakers on both ends. Double thick 3/4" plywood, walnut veneer. 15" woofers, horn tweeters. Still own(he'd KILL me if I ever got rid of it).
2) Stromberg Carlson - 50s vintage, not sure model
3) Panasonic - 1976 I don't even know whats
4) ESS AMT1. Still own
5) Fisher boom and sizzle. Boom box ported alignment, 15" woofer, paper cone mids and tweeters
6) Spica SC50 w/Kinergetics 100 subwoofers
7) Apogee Centaur
8) Coincident Digital Masters w/Troubass Subwoofers. Still own.
9) Fried A/6. Still own.
I have also owned(still have too many to count) over 100 hundred pairs of various speakers either my father came into, I came into, he trashpicked, I trashpicked, he built, or I built. Some we modified, some we didn't. A lot were lousy. Some were good. A few were great. Most we have given to friends, who just made a comment about needing speakers, or just commenting on a pair we had laying around.