Personas....7F vs 9H

Thinking about one of these speakers. And looking for advice/thoughts about why you would prefer one over the other, suitability in a 18 x 18 room with high ceilings, etc. Have heard the 9H and was impressed. Aside from the room correction and built in amplification, and the benefits these should give, is there a difference in their sound that would cause one to be preferred over the other?

Thanks , 
Hello guys, 

Here is how we as a Persona dealer would talk about the two speakers.

On paper there is really very little difference between the two models. 

In reality there is a very  large difference in what makes the 9H so special.

The factor is the speaker's adaptablity, we have three different ancedotes on the 9H.

First experience 2016 New York Audio show where we had the 9H in a small hotel room.

Second experience: 9H at a clients home in a very ordinary not large living room.

Third experience: 9H in our shwroom a 26 by 20 room open to several other rooms.

The prevailing factor is the 9H room correction gave us great bass in all three rooms. 

The shocker was the hotel room which was 18 by 14 and with the  active room correction giving us shocking tight bass which didn't over load the room with excellent pitch.

So the take away is that the room correction of the 9H enables you to have a speaker system which can work in almost any room with fantastic results.

So if one were to purchase a set of 9H they can take the speakers with them even in case of having to move rooms or homes. 

The 7's really don't sound any different it is the ability to have superb bass without the hastle of having to result to bass traps or hemholtz resonators which makes the 9H so appealing.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
You’re leaving out the huge fact that they require DRAMATICALLY less power due to the hardest part (the bass) being powered already.
Regarding efficiency and amp driveability. I spoke to the 9H designer (Oleg B.) and he assured me that the speaker-level crossover tap to the DSP/woofer amps is of very high impedance and negligible back EMF.
So any amp driving the 9H just sees the tweeter and mid ...hence it effortlessly delivers it’s best performance ...the woofers are invisible. The 9H is 96dB at 8ohms so my ~35watt ZOTL40 was barely at 20% volume to fill the room yet each song I played was the best I’d ever heard it.
Regarding the new colors. They are coming out in April. Dealers will have paint swatches. I know they are mainly automotive finishes. The few new models I saw at the factory look awesome. Not sure if they are a $ premium.
I know you can order (request) piano black with silver PPA grilles ...and that’s what I’m getting. These are my end-game so I want to make sure they will fit in any decor

Hey guys,

Thanks for the input. And yes all of the "advantages" of the 9H make sense given the room-correction and ability to be more amp-friendly etc.

However, given how great the 5F sounds... I think many of us are still keen to know how the 7F sounds  at it's place in the product-line instead of the template that seems to be applied almost everywhere that "just go straight from 5F to 9H". Surely if the 7F is produced at all, it must (I'd assume) sound better than the 5F, but likely not as good as the 9H... so given it's mid-way price point (and since man of us can't realistically afford the 9H), we'd love to know how it actually *sounds* :)

Anyone auditioned it along-side the 5F and 9H? That's the comparison I'm also looking for... how much better than the 5F? and how much better still is the 9H (though that gets complicated since the bass-room-correction means how much "better" it sounds depends heavily on a particular room's bass characteristics).

Thoughts? Thanks!