Phillip Glass Fans

Hearing a radio program on NPR prompted a new interest in this composer....I am really captivated by his minimalistic style. Are there any fans out there who can recommend some recordings (CDs or LPs) I can start with? The only one I have so far is Glassworks, which consists of some of his compositions all performed on organ.
Thanks Elizabeth for the Aguas da Amazonia recommendation. I just picked it up and it is wonderful!
Einstein on the Beach is amazing.. try to find the original 4 LP set with the book.

I also love the Kronos Quartet Philip Glass album, but I don't remember the exact title.
Galeriehughie, I also have Glass on my wall courtesy of Close. Mine is on silk.
Aguas da Amazonia is nice. It has a dreamlike quality, less noisy than some of his albums...