Phono Cable Suggestions?

Hello all:

I'm in need of a phono cable (DIN to RCA's with ground cable) as my Bolder Nitro bit the dust for the second time and I'm tired of messing with it.

Any suggestions on a quality cable with good build quality>



Showing 1 response by kirkus

Hi Raul . . . do you find that certain cables are better suited to certain cartridges . . . i.e. having low capacitance being critical with high-inductance MM cartriges, etc. etc.?

Also, have you a preference for shielded-twisted-pair versus plain coaxial types? And for shielded-twisted-pair . . . have you experimented with connecting the shield to channel cartridge negative, or turntable ground?

Any specific experience you have with cabling as it relates to your formidible cartridge collection would be most welcome.