Phono Preamps with "balls" ?

taking the cue from another thread about speakers with "balls" - what are some phono preamps that you have found to be the most powerful, dynamic and yet still sound clean.  
i turn on my digital sources and they are often much more robust sounding and would like to know if there are phono preamps that can deliver.  thanks in advance  
@chakster  yes I've been really impressed with the Zyx CPP-1. It's my understanding that the increase in gain in the second version was actually driven mainly by customers. So the first version may be closer to Mr nakatsuka's original vision.  Also I seem to recall that the input impedance on mine is 100ohm (not 125) so perhaps he lowered it when he increased the gain? 
My Benz-Micro PP1 is not ballsy, FWIW. Refined, yes, and quiet, and fairly revealing, and smooth.

Not sure I would want a phono stage to be "ballsy". I think I would want that further up the chain.
Avanti1960:  I have an Aesthetix Calypso I love.  I did have it upgraded  to a Signature, but looking back, I think I would have just done the tube upgrade.  It sounds much better, having been upgraded-just sayin. This preamp is very versatile.  I run all balanced cables which I think helps in just about any application.  Pull up the reviews. 
I’ve not heard personally but have been told the Odyssey Suspiro has a very powerful and forward sound to it. I’d call Klaus and talk to
him about it. It will be my next phonostage that’s for sure.

Dear friends: I already ask to @avanti1960 explain the meaning of " phono preamp with balls " because that does not exist there ( he did not gives an answer yet. ) but I can read that all of you think it exist in the phono preamp ! ! !

Please some one of you or all can share why is that?
