Phono Preamps with "balls" ?

taking the cue from another thread about speakers with "balls" - what are some phono preamps that you have found to be the most powerful, dynamic and yet still sound clean.  
i turn on my digital sources and they are often much more robust sounding and would like to know if there are phono preamps that can deliver.  thanks in advance  
Dear @atmasphere : Forgeret all what you write in your last post, it does not helps in anyway to prove that analog bass is better than digital because it's not.

Again do it a favor and listen the CD and the LP of those scores I posted to you and please listen it not in your system that can't honor those scores ( no matters what. ) but in a good home audio system with bipolar electronics and subs. Till you do that is useless all your in good intention words. Don't waste your time till you listen it.

"""  imposes audible distortion (caused by aliasing ... """

don't try to figth against digital and don't try to win  that figth because before you started that figth you already losted it:

How many google pages do you need to understand that aliasing is not any more a digital problem as you said?

Btw, do you know that in a home audio system the MUSIC belongs to the bass range?

Dear audiophiles as better your home audio system bass management as better the overall quality performance of your audio system.
According with a scientific studies made it by Harman group the ideal number of subs in a home system is of 4 self powered ones where in " automatic " way the bass range will be smooth and with out bass room nodes and the like. We have to worry on nothing in that bass range and ovbiously that the benefits comes not only on that bass range but at the same time a better mid and high frequency ranges ! !

We need as minimum 2 subs.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

@chakster  yes I've been really impressed with the Zyx CPP-1. It's my understanding that the increase in gain in the second version was actually driven mainly by customers. So the first version may be closer to Mr nakatsuka's original vision.  Also I seem to recall that the input impedance on mine is 100ohm (not 125) so perhaps he lowered it when he increased the gain? 
My Benz-Micro PP1 is not ballsy, FWIW. Refined, yes, and quiet, and fairly revealing, and smooth.

Not sure I would want a phono stage to be "ballsy". I think I would want that further up the chain.
Avanti1960:  I have an Aesthetix Calypso I love.  I did have it upgraded  to a Signature, but looking back, I think I would have just done the tube upgrade.  It sounds much better, having been upgraded-just sayin. This preamp is very versatile.  I run all balanced cables which I think helps in just about any application.  Pull up the reviews. 
I’ve not heard personally but have been told the Odyssey Suspiro has a very powerful and forward sound to it. I’d call Klaus and talk to
him about it. It will be my next phonostage that’s for sure.