Physically awkward components...

I have a Bel Canto DAC and even though I really like it, its design is somewhat of a pain for me. I wish all connectors were on the same side of the unit, but they are not. Getting all the cables together is such a pain in the rear.

Anyone else have similar problems with other components?

Showing 1 response by gregm

Full-range speakers & Class A ss must be the worst of the lot; one of my amps weighs ~150lbs and it's physically large. A tube pre is composed of two heavy parts -- that's cumbersome but manageable.

The pre's cd input is on the far side away from the cdp. If I exchange TT and cdp placement, then the TT input is on the far side of the pre. If I move pre, TT, cdp so the inputs are more or less manageable, the amps are too far away...
Can't win.