Power cable for ARC CDP

I’ve been using the stock PC on my ARC CDP and I’m looking for suggestions (especially from ARC owners) for an aftermarket power cable. I’ve been told that the stock cable is very good quality, but of course there’s something better out there.

The CD3 mk2 is a SS deck and very detailed so I need a cable that will keep the warm timbre of my system intact. Unfortunately, my preamp is single-ended so I can’t take advantage of ARC’s balanced output. But my preamp and amp mate nicely using Cardas Parsec IC’s and Pangea PCs, and l know the dynamics of the CDP can be improved.

The components are:
ARC CD3 mk 2
Rogue Perseus Magnum
Sunfire 300 amp
Blue Circle Thingee FX2 conditioner
Dedicated AC line
2 Furman power strips
2 Blue Circle filters to amp

Having reached my spending limit on upgrades, my budget is $200 or under. Any help is much appreciated.
There's a AUDIENCE PowerChord original for sale here, also a CARDAS CROSS PC in my price range.

Jl35... what did u like about the Audience with the CD3?

I should mention that I listen to classical almost exclusively and that means dealing with the sound of "massed strings."
Power cables should be thought of as tuning devices and, unfortunately, you need to try a few before you can really pick one that meshes with the rest of your system and gives you the sound that you want. Try and find a few local audiophiles who may be able to bring some over for you to check out.

That being said, some of the best performance for $ cords I have found are made by Triode Wire Labs. There's also a money back guarantee trial period if they don;t work for you.

The Powerchord is definitely a great value. I always thought that the ESP Essence offers great banf for buck, great for sources and can be found for around 200. The last one I would mention is VH Audio.....all good choices. Just need to see which one fits best....Enjoy the tunes!
Is the power cord on your cd a 20amp? I have a cardas golden 5ft but is is with 20 amp connecter. I'll have to check it, if its golden (brown color). Im at the office.
Fildor...The CDP is 15 amps.

To all...So far, I like what I'm reading about the Powerchord; very good reviews.