Power Cables and Affects on Timing (and speed)?

I stumbled across an interesting finding (by accident) due to an earlier oversight on my part.

I will post what specifically occurred below.

PLEASE, this is for folks who are in the camp that find cables make a difference.

Have you found / noticed changes (or not) in musical timing due to power cords? If so, can you elaborate?

Thank you.

[Note: I ran a few searches for Timing and cables and did not find a previous thread dealing directly with this topic. There are posts related to PRAT. If you know of a specific / dedicated thread, please post the link. Thanks!]
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Showing 1 response by dave_b

Yes!  Something else I discovered about power cords after having several $3k to $4500 PC’s...sometimes the best mate is free.  After trying all my expensive PC’s on my Krell am I used a free cord I received from my dealer just to experiment.  It was a Sony TV power cord with a small circuit or magnet at the end with silver terminations. Man o man, what a freaking great match!!  Everything about my sound snapped into focus.  Detailed deep taught bass, luscious midrange and a detailed high end with tremendous sounddstaging as well.  Simply amazing what you can find sometimes.