Power Cord Length

Here's one for the electric wizards to kick around. Whilst attending Axpona this weekend I was doing some power cord shopping. At one particular display I was being told by a very well known cable company representative, I'll not mention the name so it doesn't influence any responses, that the rule of thumb is that in order for the pwr cord to be effective it needs to be at least five feet long. This allows the current to be in the cord long enough for it to be effective. Ok, I'm really dumb when it comes to this sort of thing so maybe I said that in the most simpliest of words but that's pretty much how it was explained. Anyone care to elaborate on this good or bad?

Showing 1 response by jackcoke

Ok, so keeping with what usually happens here (which is what made me go away for so long) my simple question which was directed to those that actually knew something about electricity ended up being answered mostly by guesses, personal opinions, advice on how to buy cords and another debate as to wether aftermarket cords and cables are better then the stock cords. I don't remeber asking for any of that.  I just thought somebody could explain why this company rep said what he said, other then to just make you spend more money on a longer cord. So you can all sleep easier tonight, the company was Nordost. Also, as long as it was started up again, anyone that doesn't believe that cords and cables don't make a difference, get a different hobby.  
   For those of you that tried to give an answer with some merit, I thank you..