Pre-amps with seperate power supplies .....

I have a pre-amp with a seperate power supply that is connected by an umbilical cord. I am not an electrical engineer and I do not pretend to be one nor do I play one on TV.....I am pretty sure that there is DC current going from the power supply to the main pre-amp to power that component. Does it make any sonic sense to upgrade that umbilical cord seeing how that it is ''only'' carrying DC current ????? The pre-amp in question is a Classe' CP-700. I have asked this very same question to the fine people at Classe' and they said improving that cord would not make any difference.... So, I will ask that question here and also see if anybody has actually upgraded that power cord.

Showing 6 responses by garebear

Hello Rrog...thank you for your comment. I bought the Classe' CP-700 new and I am very satisfied with it and listened to some real good pre-amps prior to buying this one. The qustion that I proposed was ; ''the umbilical cord is only handling DC current ...right....and if you changed out the stock cord to another cord, would there be any sonic improvement ? '' Now, Classe' has already told me; no. There has to be somebody out there that has done this or also looked at this option who has some comments....and if someone was an actual electrical engineer said - your right, it is just DC current and the cord won't matter - there you have it ! Just looking form some input from others........

Also, nice to hear from you John!
Hello Bob - and thank you and much appreacited. I was going to contact Classe' for a schemetic but I think you just answered it for me. By the way .... I really like this pre-amp. I have matched it with the Classe' CA 2200 and now a CA 2300.
Rrog...thank you but it not the main power cord - it is the umbilical cord between the power supply and the main chassis pre-amp. Big difference
I had a long talk with the technical support group at Classe' concerning the upgrading of my umbilical cord on the CP-700. Actully Bobpaule, you hit the nail right on the head. Classe' had explained to me and some of it will be lost here as I do not have an engineering or electrical enginering background is that there is such a small current going through the cord and it was built with the issues that we have all addressed here in mind...RFI,EMI etc. in that by changing the cord you could also be possibly changing the current, impedence and also be changing the sound achieved / desired by this pre-amp. They also said that they have discussed this with others and the general consensus is, you will not hear that much of a change in sound for what you will pay for an increase in that cord.....also, I need a longer length and Classe' stated be careful as the cord was built in the length to handle the current needs....any longer and you could, could run into some trouble. As the origonal poster....I will leave as is and thank you for all of yuor input.