Preamp issue?

My Cary Slp3 started to​ act up.
Few days ago I noticed something was off, but didn't have the time to listen critically..... yesterday it was even more pronounced but still not obvious...I realized that right channel is a tiny bit lower level than the left channel.
I eliminated all obvious issues, like bad connections, balance knob turned, etc...
I don't have spare tubes, and before I start opening the chassis and switching the tubes, just want to make sure this is even a possibility.


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Showing 1 response by pops

Every issue I have had with tube preamps has been the result of faulty tubes.  Noisey, popping sound like pop corn, microphonic howl.  But never what you describe.  But I suppose it is possible.  Defintely swap the tubes - that is the first step in the process of elimination.

Are you sure it is your preamp?  Hate to state the obvious but you always need a spare set for this reason and for when they eventually crap out.

Good luck!