Premium distilled water for ultrasonic record cleaner

I have a kLaudio lp200 ultrsonic record cleaner

I recall a few comments on reading threads about some special high grade distilled water

i can't seem to find anything via an audiogon search
klaudio says plain distilled is what they use

woukd anyone like to chime in with recommended top grade distilled waters
what properties make these special water brands stand out and the advantage to the sound of the records

a link or two would help

on a side note Klaudio is having a sale on their silencer and I went ahead and bought one
anybody using this silencer?

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Showing 16 responses by audiotomb

Thanks guys

does the water have to be changed out more frequently?

rzado. The sale is only $200 off an expensive product
but I took the plunge -. The kitchen will be quieter


I have the four step Walker fluids that I use those on my Loricraft which I use for only really soiled records if its a rare title.  Hate to use that $$ water in the Klaudio
not sure i will keep the Loricraft

i have been using drug store off the shelf distilled water
the tank takes about 2/3rds of a gallon

I’ll check out the Fisher Scientific Thermo and compare with the Audio Intellegent

doesn’t Albert Porter use some specific brand?

Is that the Nerl reagent grade water
reagent grade deionized water?



a very large % of my records are new or mint / mint -

perhaps an identical ultrasonic machine with cheap distilled water (like I was using) for old records

great point, sorry I couldn't resist having fun
Perhaps buildup in your precious machine or remaining residue on the records makes a difference from a longevity / maintenance side.

nice insight Whart

I to am there to play - not collect records

The ultrasonic brings so much more detail to the recordings and removes nearly all the pops and static on even new records.  I also have to buy a lot of used records that sometimes are vg grade. The Klaudio nearly always brings them up to a excellent level sound wise.

Having a solution that might squeeze more out of this is worth doing.

It's not bragging rights, it's protecting and enjoying your recordings


I have a Loricraft and stepped up to a Klaudio

i have only used the Loricraft as a first step on just a few records

what are your thoughts on the washing and drying times?
I go 4 min on the wash and 3 minutes gives you a fully dry record

My Klaudio Silencer arrived on friday.  Very expensive but well worth it. It is built like a tank and well thought out in execution.  It really silences both the cleaning and drying phase. The drying phase is the slightly noisier stage.  I have mine in the next room from my audiosystem and I never cleaned records while playing them (cds only).  I can do both. We can now watch tv without turning the volume up. My 22 year old son always cringed when he saw me taking a stack of records towards the machine.  Now he is thrilled by the process.

klaudio does have the unit priced $200 lower


it sounds like a great setup / business that you have

the Klaudio silencer doesn’t take up much more of a footprint at the base, but it is a bit taller

laugh, I have mine on the back end of my kitchen table except when I have guest over for dinner
good place to lay down albums sleeves and stack the ready to go and completed records vertically on two adjacent chairs

i read somewhere that the silencer even fits the Audio Deske
you might ask Tim

my friend has an audiodeske
maybe we should join forces

My lps are always dry by three minutes and I used to run the dryer at four
will go five just to make sure

the Acoustic Sounds QRP inner sleeves are great
i buy packets to get my order totals high enough for free shipping

thanks to everyone for the great thread
going well beyond the subtleties of h2o
The Nerl came the same day as the silencer.
The great thing about the ultrasonics is absolutely little user effort needed to clean. This keeps one in the cleaning mode

no issue with spending more time in both modes

I have kicked out 30 sides over the weekend with NERL
no serious listening yet
but I had bought a very noisy Led Zeppelin II RL first press
the very dynamic version
the KLaudio really took the noise level down

Thanks Wart

i do have the 4 step Walker Audio cleaning setup
I will give that a run through the Loricraft then the Klaudio

ii isn’t anywhere near my favorite Zep album but the rl version is so explosive it puts new life in it for me


wow that's quite a story

I drank a little just for kicks the other day.

guess it cleaned out the pipes


you should have a hose that constantly is giving a transfusion drip

and a drain out the bottom

not only every record but as the record spins

one cycle and it is removed

drill a hole in your brick to outside to drain the contaminated water

and you might as well have a still lab of reagent water for constant generation

the level regulators must be very faulty on both draining and filling the pristine water for best results

I wonder how this would hold up with new or mint records - not

I hereby declare the removed detritus inert!

off with all of you!

ps - for the record TIm at Klaudio says to use simple distilled water - it’s worked fine

I went with the KLaudio because I didn't want to mess with the Audio Desk cleaners solutions or brushes to be replaced.

The KL does a great job. It won't remove surface fingerprints completely, then again these don't affect playback

if a record is really noisty or needs extra cleaning I will clean it using a Loricraft.  Walker step two cleaner and step 3 water adjent

then off to the KLaudio

trying to decide if I need to beef up my power chord and isolation platform for the ultrasonic 
