PS Audio GCC 250 vs Wyred 4 sound STi500

Has anyone compared the two integrated. They have the same specs and look indentical.? The PS audio when new costed way over $3000 , the current Wyred4sounds costs $1995.00.
My previous system was Parasound P3, A23 times 2, and HCA1205a multi channel amp. Parasound makes nice music, but has a higher noise floor, and runs much warmer than the Class D Wyred.
Ducks2007: I'm thinking about purchasing a Wyred amp. I also like a low noise floor. May I ask what products you prefer the Wyreds over? Also, in which ways?
Can't speak to the PS Audio integrated, but I have a W4S STI-500 integrated amp which serves as a preamp to a 7-channel W4S MC7x250 power amp feeding three sets of Monitor Audio Golds and my surrounds. Both amps are routed through a PS Audio Power Plant P5. In short, this combination provides a super low noise floor, excellent music presence and depth. The W4S stuff is top rate as is the PS Audio stuff. My sources are routed through a W4S DAC-2, a fabulous machine in its own right.