Purepower 2000+ and 3000+ actual availability???

Does anyone know where things stand with actual Purepower 2000+ and 3000+ unit availability (Canadian company)? None of the authorized sources I checked with who actually responded seem to have them, nor have they been given any reliable answer as to when things will ship. Apparently quite a few promised ship dates have been made and have been missed over the past few months based upon the information given.

The plus-generation of these units have several features that I really want in my system as an upgrade to my existing unit. It would be good if they are making the units and are shipping them out to be purchased.

Have any of you been able to purchase one of these new units from the Canada-based Purepower and do you have it in your system? If so, how do you like it?

I am aware of the problems with the 'other PP' company and the schism between the two earlier in 2012, and do not need any info on that.
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Showing 4 responses by ozzy

Just be aware of all of the negative postings about poor repair service and communications.
Purepower, It still seems that you have not worked the bugs out of the new units that you continue to sell.
Purepower, the name is ozzy not oxxy.
Something doesn't sound right from your new postings and the long long string of negative comments on your products and service.
I would think you would fix all of the defective units BEFORE you sell any new units. That would show us how determined you are to be a viable company.
Purepower, I wish I could believe what you have recently posted.
I was very serious about buying one of the units until I started reading this thread and actually many others on this site and other sites.

People were posting about the very poor communications they had with Purepower and that products received were dead on arrival or the battery wouldn't keep it's charge, etc.

I volunteer to be a test subject to try one of your current models and then I will post my experience.