Purist Audio vs. Stealth cables

Anyone compared comparable models? Both are supposed to be the very best. I know Purist but never tried Stealth.
I can not dispute Teajay with his experience of both but I swear by my PAD cables and they are so vital in my Krell system that I feel it's really just mediocre with anything else, When I use the Venustas it brings the recordings to life so much that I can't stop using them and just enjoy the music. Nothing seems right to my ear or makes me want to listen more often and that's what it's all about so that is a pretty strong result to question IMO. As to your question you might not go wrong with either.
Stealth are more neutral, detailed

PAD are more fuller, warmer, blacker backgrounds

depends on your system.
Thank you all. Based on what you said I have every reason to stay with Purist. In my simple and modest system old Maximus and Colossus sound excellent and the way you described. If however I want to try expensive tube electronics in the future, I should take a look at Stealth as well.
Both cables are great and it really is going to just come down to the rest of your set-up and in the end how you like it.

I have tried allot of cables over the years, I ended up with a full Stealth set-up and don't think about cable anymore.

You really should try your self, breaking in cables is a pain in the butt.