Purist Audio vs. Stealth cables

Anyone compared comparable models? Both are supposed to be the very best. I know Purist but never tried Stealth.
Thank you all. Based on what you said I have every reason to stay with Purist. In my simple and modest system old Maximus and Colossus sound excellent and the way you described. If however I want to try expensive tube electronics in the future, I should take a look at Stealth as well.
Both cables are great and it really is going to just come down to the rest of your set-up and in the end how you like it.

I have tried allot of cables over the years, I ended up with a full Stealth set-up and don't think about cable anymore.

You really should try your self, breaking in cables is a pain in the butt.
I would buy used anyway. I understand that the quality is about the same; I keep things for a long time.
You never know if used cables are even broken-in, most are not because individuals give up, secondly sonics are not the same so best to try in your own set-up.