
Who is using g Qobuz and how are you finding it? Thank you.

Showing 4 responses by davidpritchard

The normal and high-resolution version is not yet available in the USA. Paul Mcgowan of PS Audio has tried the high-resolution version and said it was clearly superior to Tidal. I am looking forward to listening to it.

David Pritchard

I look forward to your impressions of how user friendly Qobuz is, the audio quality and ease in setting up playlists and if will it automatically play similar music at the end of a play list.

David Pritchard
Qobuz is certainly working for me. I am streaming while driving and getting CD resolution with no dropouts. The sound is excellent. The search engine is easy to use.
Next for me is developing play lists.
I have cancelled my Tidal account. 
I do think Qobuz is for music lovers!
David Pritchard
Lots of reviews about Quoboz and the fact it will work with Roon at the Daily Audiophile site. Getting positive reviews.
David Pritchard