
Who is using g Qobuz and how are you finding it? Thank you.

Showing 3 responses by lalitk

After a month of using Qobuz, i signed up for yearly subscription at $249.00. To my ears, the Qobuz high resolution SQ easily trumps Tidal. In direct comparison between MQA 24/96kHz and Qobuz 24/96kHz files, Qobuz is superior in dynamics by a good margin.

I also liked the fact that with Qobuz I no longer need to pursue a MQA compatiable DAC.

Since i use Aurender conductor app, I experienced no issues with artist or albums search with Qobuz. 

That’s correct. Aurender streamers are capable of unfolding MQA encoded files.... upto 24/96kHz resolution 😉

The comparison was made between identical files of same resolution between Tidal and Qobuz, i.e. Tidal MQA 24/96kHz and Qobuz 24/96kHz. And Qobuz files sounded fuller and natural in comparison. 

The point i was trying to make is with Qobuz streaming upto 24/192kHz resolution, one doesn’t have to rely on a external MQA decoder. As is there are very fewer MQA compatiable DAC’s currently available. In contrast, most modern DAC’s regardless of price point are now capable of decoding resolution upto 24/192kHz and beyond. 


I believe the beta trial limits the access to 24/96kHz resolution files only. I don’t use Roon so you may be prevue to something I couldn’t see through my Aurender Conductor app during the trial. 

I am just glad that we have options on how we stream our favorite tunes. Qobuz is a keeper for me, bye bye $14-25 high resolution downloads from HDTracks.