
Who is using g Qobuz and how are you finding it? Thank you.

Showing 6 responses by thyname

Spotify (top tier) is 320 kbps

Red Book CD (16/44.1) is 1,411 kbps (44.1 * 16 * 2). So almost five times more than Spotify
The issue with Qobuz is that it’s missing a lot of albums. Especially in the Alternative/ Indie / Folk / Americana/ Metal genres. Many smaller US labels are missing completely.

32 of my Tidal favorites (albums) are missing, plus many additional albums I browse from my favorites.

As much as I like to cancel Tidal, and keep Qobuz, I am afraid as it stands now, I will stay with Tidal. Cannot keep them both
I also liked the fact that with Qobuz I no longer need to pursue a MQA compatiable DAC.
Hmmm.... and yet you were able to compare MQA vs. Qobuz HiRes

I know @lalitk 

I can do the same with my Roon. But to get the second, and the final MQA unfold, you need a MQA DAC. So not completely MQA you are comparing, and not fair