Qobuz Windows App

Is anyone else having problems with the Qobuz app for Windows?  I can use Qobuz fine through my web browser, but the app either hangs up or runs really slow.  I'm running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.  My system is older, but still pretty fast - 24 GB RAM and a solid state drive.  I run a lot of resource intensive programs like Photoshop and Lightroom with no problems.  I'd prefer to use the app.

Showing 2 responses by blindjim

I'm using a new or recently new Mac 5K Retna w/I5 CPU 8GB RAM.

I've tried several times to just get logged in.

today, finally, I got that done. 

however, neither the applications for Mac or their streaming option via Safari works.

their downloaded app won't open. and their web browser streamer won't stream.

its a very buggy not ready for prime time accident if you ask me.

I'm gonna just cancel my sub and wwait a good long while if ever to try it again.

we've come a long way since DOS and command line prompts or instructions. users today given the personal confuser SOTA should be a seamless event with what ever media player users might select.

MPs should simply be plug and play. 

the Tick Tac Toe chicken at the local county fair should be able to use any media player on the market today, free or otherwise. given the chicken does have visible means of support. 

this is especially so if an app or a paid for subscription service is chosen. users should no longer need to know IT lingo or advanced settings in order to obtain media playback apps just to get them up and running.

its utter nonsense.    

naturally, if it turns out to be 'pilot error' and my bad, I'll just have to  get that chicken to come by on her day off and get things straightened out for me.

then.... maybe invite her to stay for dinner.

if the ambition of any streaming media player or service is aimed at higher res audio playback for the masses, especially one which crosses language barriers as its norm, an intuitive  short or non existant learning curve MUST be obvious in its use or operation.

oddly and quite sadly many ‘players/streamers’ miss the mark of being intuitive or even thoughtfully compiled.

the aspect that an app is ‘powerful’ means it is complicated yet it should not be so.  POWERFUL  or CONFIGURABLE should not necessitate the end user needs an AS degree to properly setup the software.

defaults should be in place which enable desired popular outcomes.

for bit perfect   playback click here

to upsample files click here

for DSD playback click here

for playback in all zones click here


lastly, updates and or upgrades should never become yet more complicated than the previous itterations, they should be simpler. neither should things once in one area, be moved to some other area just for the sake of making a thing appear to be different.

I cancelled my sub too.