Question on testing a used Magnepan 2.6R


I will be auditioning a used Magnepan 2.6R next week in my endeavor to put together 1st my hi-fi system.

I am planning to go for a new pair of MG 1.6QR after listening to them. However, a used 2.6R came along and I understand from many forumers here that the 2.6R represents great value in the used market if a pair can be found in good condition.

My question is, how will I be able to test the 2.6R to see if they are in good condition or if the parts (esp. the tweeter ribbon) have been worn out? I trust the speakers would still work even if the ribbons are worn. The 2.6R is probably more than 10 years old.

I live outside the US, hence sending them back to the factory for refurbishment may not be possible and I doubt the owner of the 2.6R have kept the original box or the ribbon protective cover after all these years.

Is there any way of sighting modifications or replacements of the ribbons? Anything else I should be looking out/listening for?

Truth be told, I don't know what the 2.6R looks like since I can't seem to find any pix of it in the internet. I would appreciate it if someone post a picture of it.

Showing 1 response by bin

In my opinion they will very likely need work done if they are 10 years old. What happens is the wires that are glued to they mylar start to come off at the ends. They curl away. You can actually see this through the cloth at the back of the speaker on the ends. If not you can feel the back at the tops and the bottoms. If the wire is off you will know. They glue and system they used in the past was very prone to this. I visited with Mark Whiney their engineer and they now have a new mixture they think will be much improved. Most likely the ribbons will be sagging and need to be replaced. I just went through this and have 2.6R's at the factory now being repaired. They had been redone 5-6 years ago and were in need again. If you just listen to them its hard to hear that they have this problem with out some experience. All that being said they are wonderful speakers. Well worth the trouble. However if I lived outside the US I do not think I would go this route. I would probably but new 1.6QR's and not have the worry for many years to come. I assume money is an issue over the 3.6's or I would look very closely at them. There was a post recently at Audio Asylum where someone was having their IIIa's redone at Magnepan and wanted to sell them cheap as he didnt want to wait. Magnepan would then ship to you. This could also be a very good option as they are excellent as well and would last many years.