Quicksilver M60 vs Early Silver 88

Anyone have experience with these two. I am Demoing a pair of M60 with 6550 tubes and I do love the sound. But have been leaning more towards a pair of Silver 88’s. Besides a 30% increase in power. Are the 88’s better in other ways? Tube replacement would be cheaper Since the 88’s have fewer tubes. Running Vandersteen speakers. 
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Showing 2 responses by pstores

I agree they are great amps... I have been listening to a set of m-60 with Tung Sol 6550, Vandersteen 2ce sig ii and an Atma-sphere UV-1 point to point and it’s not just music... It’s an experience..... Wished Mike had a Minnesota or Wisconsin Dealer....  Value wise hard to beat...  But I have listened to a Atma-sphere m60 briefly and that also was incredible....