"...Pet Free..."

Why do people think that this phrase adds value to their listed component? I can't remember that last time my dogs peed on or chewed up any of my components.

Showing 3 responses by bigjoe

i read a post a while back where some one's cat puked on their preamp & it sounded better after the cat ralphed on it,what was even better was that another guy(i think jax)was squeezin his cat trying to get it to puke on his preamp for the tweek!
well i can see where some buyer's get freaked out about pet's,i have seen quite a few pic's of gear where the seller thought it would be a good idea to take pic's of the gear he was selling with a cat laying on top of it :(

i think they also believe that we all let our animal's run amock & piss & fart all over our gear,my pooch wont even walk within 5 feet of any of my gear.
Ok marco's off the hook for the cat squeezin episode but does anybody remember who it was where their cat spewed on their preamp?

Marco,if your 'Diesel' fart's anything like my 'aryan' you need a gas mask just to sit in the same room with him,there's nothing worse than kickin back for an evening of music,layin back,closin your eye's,then it hit's!

You stupid ass dog,beat it!