R.I.P. Lou Reed

Just saw that Lou passed today from complications of a liver transplant. I really liked most of his music with "Sally Can't Dance", "Berlin", and "R & R Animal" being my favorites. Saw him at the Felt Forum way back when. He will be missed.
Another of my early rock 'n roll heroes gone. Very sad! Lou and I didn't correspond but I was glad to know that artists like Lou were in the world. My wife and I saw him perform in 1972 at the Santa Monica Civic. About the time of "R&R Animal" and "Transformer". Many were dressed in transgender clothing and makeup (not us, actually). Lots of fun! I really liked his early works, "Sally Can't Dance" and "Berlin". Kind of lost interest after "Dirty Boulevard". He was an original, a legend in many circles. He will be missed!
Very nice way to remember him ... Lou and Renee Fleming: