Rachmaninoff, Symphony No. 3 in A minor, Opus 44?

I had the privilege of hearing the Minnesota Orchestra perform this last evening. I know precious little about how to select an audiophile quality recording of this work. Can any of you classical buffs out there give me some suggestions? In advance...very much appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by steveott

Ashkenazy hard to beat; sound is not up to date, though (but his Isle of the Dead is tops, bone-chilling!).

For more up-to-date sound, I recommend David Zinman and Baltimore on Telarc. Playing is not quite as exciting as Ashkenazy, but it's georgeous. It's the one I usually pull out for a listen. I don't think I've ever heard cellos sing the way they do on this recording. Lopez-Cobos and Cincy on Telarc is excellent for Sym. no. 2, very romantic, very warm sound.

So get Ashkenazy for sheer excitement, Zinman and Lopez-Cobos for very romantic readings and excellent sound.

The Rachmaninoff Third is one of the most underrated masterpieces.

Steve O.