Ready to move onto next stage of streaming

So for over a year I have been streaming Tidal via my Bluesound Vault 2.
Now I bought this mainly to rip all my cds to but after "discovering" Tidal I find that I rarely even playback from the Vault hard drive, I usually just find it on Tidal even if I know I have it in ripped format.

It boils down to 2 main source areas for me now,vinyl and streaming. Very happy with my analog as I do not even try to compare the two just let them happily coexist knowing they are different.

But here’s where I am at. I am sure there is probably a better setup for streaming Tidal with better sq than the Vault now.
However it still has to be as user friendly as the Vault to operate for the other denizens of chateaux Uberwaltz!
No computer science geniuses here!
Needs to be as simple as the Bluos app is right now for all to use.
Any suggestions that again does NOT revolve around any mac or pc setup.
Thank you
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Showing 1 response by rbstehno

I have been down the paths of using a computer with an external dac and then replacing the computer with a dedicated streamer (auralic Aries) with a separate dac. Why do you want to use 2 boxes linked with an inferior usb cable when you can use an internal network card in a highly rated dac? I use the bridge ii card in my ps audio ds dac with roon and sounds so much better than any external streaming box that I have auditioned and the dac is highly rated too. Check out the review of the dcs network card in stereophile  couple months back. IMO, this is the best way to go in removing all the unnecessary pieces to get the best SQ of streaming music