Really basic brush question

Forgive me if this sounds stupid, but I've been wondering for a while. When I use a carbon fiber brush on records, I hold the brush in a line from the center of the record to the periphery and turn the record underneath it. Eventually there is a line of dust extending radially on the record. Now here's the question: When you're done brushing, how do you get this line of dust off? Do you simply brush it off to the outside of the record? Or perhaps go after it with a damp cloth?

Thanks in advance for trying to clear up (what should be) a really basic question.
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The answer is that you throw away the "audiophile approved" carbon fiber brush and get a cheapo, classic, Disc Washer brush. The dust will be lifted off with the brush. Sorry, but I bought one of those carbon brushes after reading about them for years in the Hi Fi Magazines. After a couple of uses, I went back to the dumb old DiscWasher for exactly the problem you are describing.
I vacuum off that line of dust -- it's the second step in my personal cleaning ritual (a zap with the Zerostat gun being the first step). But then again, I use a homemade RCM, and I can center that line of dust in the vac attachment and avoid having the dust contact that special velvet-like material which lines the edges forming the orifice of that attachment. (See homemade RCM under my system). I would think that dragging the brush to the side and off the LP would deposit the dust on the outer sidewalls of the grooves.

Next time I build one of my RCMs I'll take photos of each step and post ... provided someone with more 'net savvy than me shows me how to post photos on a thread.

Best regards,
And you think it is a 'really basic question' We all of us can tuck into this one like a puppy with a slipper. Now for my assertions: A carbon fiber (audioquest please)is best, in two stages, an almost perpendicular sweep, slightest bias with the spin. Next, after wiping the detritus from said brush, agressive now, turn the end of the fibers against the groove. Happy guy! As for the rest of the nicely detailed cleaning commentary, it should have all happened before you brought this old beauty out on the track again. Very simple, clean the horse first and then all she needs is brushing.
I buy and play a lot of records - probably 15 or 20 a day, so I have some experience.
These carbon fiber brushes are useless, and possibly harmful. I have tried a couple of brands, including the "grounded" type and the expensive "combo" one with the fabric center strip and they all leave that line of dust - and often Broken pieces of carbon fiber if you look closely. Not satisfactory!

Like HiFiHarv, I use the good 'ol Discwasher brush (after cleaning with either Disc Doctor or Nitty Gritty systems first, of course).

However, the methods in the instructions supplied with the Discwasher don't really work!

The key is to wet the brush lightly, but EVENLY, and to also pre-perk the fibers so they are standing "upright" BEFORE the brush hits the record. This is all accomplished by placing a light line of distilled water across the whole length, near the front of the brush, and then (with your hands clean!) rubbing it back across the fibers in the direction which is "against the grain" of the fibers. This wets and raises the fibers so they'll really dig into the grooves. The damp fibers leave virtually no dust behind!
It's important to wait until any water left on the lp evaporates before playing.

Try this method and you'll throw those carbon brushes away!