Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers.

OK, I am not sure how many times this has been disscused but the information is found all over the forum. I would possible love to compile a list here.

I personally own the Classic Audio Loudspeakers T1.5

I am now looking to build a second room with the M60 Mono Blocks and MP-3 Pre-amp.

Would love fellow audiogon memebers posting any feedback with speakers they have used with these Amazing OTL sounding Amplifiers.

Showing 2 responses by dragon_vibe


I did consider your speakers. Ralph always speaks highly about you. The issue with me was I was looking for something more exotic. I am still searching and planning to fly into the USA to have a a listen to a few speakers and may visit you if you dont mind.

I am well aware of the smaller inconvenience of owning OTL gear but in my honest opinion for this level of quality in enjoyment I am more then willing to compromise. Once the match of the speaker and amplifier is complete all you experience is pure magical bliss!

The T1.5 Classic Audio Loudspeakers are excellent and magical theirs nothing like it. Its just flows with music in a emotional way that sparks your deepest feelings so easily, I feel like I'm transported somewhere else. 

The speakers are full field coil. These are a keeper I would never part with them. Mines are paired with the New Atma-Sphere Amplifiers "Nirvana". A Super Regulated OTL Amps LOL The best Atma has developed till date I guess.

The OTL amps have been a revelation. I was more in to SET and certain push pull class A design but never experience this form of lucid feeling from a sound system.

Its going to be hard to find a speaker that can perform like a Classic Audio Field coil but in a smaller and less expensive package and designed for smaller rooms.

I have been considering smaller horn speakers or Single wider-band drivers too. Just not settle down yet and need to go out and listen to some of the manufactures that are based in the EU.

My ultimate goal was to build a smaller system with another set of Atma-sphere gears this time with the MP-3/MA60. Once you go OTL you cant go back :-)  Everything else just sounds slower and less transparent. I cant seem to enjoy my previous gear (for second system) and thus had to sell some of them off.