Record Cleaning

I just bought a Rega P7. Rega is not high on record cleaners and suggests you can get by without one. However, I feel I need something. Any suggestions for a “dry” brush cleaner for < $75? Audioquest, Hunt, Osage are a few possibilities.
Don't mean to high jack your thread ,,,,, But I am currently in the market for a new TT and I am considering the P3/P5 as well as the vpi scout and clear audio .. I am curious as to why you chose the Rega and did you compare it to other tables .... Thanks in advance and again sorry for high jacking your thread ....

I like the Audioquest Carbon Fiber Record Brush. It's cheap, but gets the job done. Galen Carol sells it for $18. Here's a forum that might interest you:

Audioquest vs Hunt EDA Mk6 record brushes
I second Mingles's recommendation of the Audioquest Carbon Fiber brush. I have two (one for each system) - - they're inexpensive and get the job done.
First, I would like to respond to Chuck...
Don't feel you hijacked the thread, I'm pleased to respond.

Why did I purchase the P7? Well, it was to finish an all-Rega system. One thing led to the next and suddenly I found myself with their R7 speakers, Saturn CD, Cursa3 preamp, 2 Exon monoblocks, and the Radio 3. The only thing left to acquire was a turntable - naturally a Rega turntable. I thought the P7 was the appropriate "fit" if you will with the other components. I read favorable reviews on the P7 and placed an order. I had not heard or seen it before placing the order.

Was it worth it? Time will tell, but so far I'm fairly pleased. During my investigation of the P7, I continually saw how the P3 was rated a best buy for the buck. I also saw some good stuff on the P5. Wish I could be of more help, but that's the story.

As a BTW, perhaps why I'm not flipping over the P7 is because it is being ran with SS components. I am a tube fan by heart, but wanted to try a lower maintenance, cosmetically matching, and easy to operate setup.

Good luck with your pursuit!
And now my thanks to Mingles and Rshak for posting. In my brief research today, I felt that Audioquest’s carbon fiber brush had the edge and you have further supported that. Now, I’m going to head over to the forum link that Mingles provided for perhaps the “clincher” of support.

Thanks again guys!
After many, many years of "getting by" without a record cleaning machine, I finally purchased one and very quickly realized I'd unnecessarily put up with far too much background noise and too many ticks & pops. If you plan on buying used vinyl, this is particularly true. Rega seems to fetishize simplicity to a fault in this case. You can also get great results with other wet cleaning methods and/or steam cleaning, but dry brush cleaning is not the e-ticket ride to maximizing your vinyl listening experience.
Okay, Photon46 you raise a valid point. May I ask what you are using to clean your records?

I completely agree with Photon. I'm a huge Rega fan, but completely disagree with Roy Gandy.

I waited a while before I bought a record cleaning machine. Had I known then what I know now, I'd have bought it a long tome ago.

I bought a KAB USA EV-1. All the machines reportedly clean to the same degree. The differences are convenience features. The EV-1 is basically a Nitty Gritty without an internal vaccum.

With the money you save over Nitty Gritty or VPI, get a steam cleaner. I use an old Technics TT to blast the LP with some steam, scrub with some cleaner, then vaccum with the EV-1.

Everything sounds so much better now. It's like I bought a new TT and cartridge. If you're not vaccuming the stuff off, it's not coming off in my experience.

I have a prized Oracle carbon fiber brush i got as a gift. The original owner bought it 25 years ago.. It stil works like new.
I used to wash records by hand.. but now nearly all i do is clean them with the brush....
And now for something completely different...Nagaoka Rolling Cleaner. been using the same one for about 30 years. It works. Also have a Hunt, Nag's much more effective.

Also use a VPI 16.5. Had KAB, but pulling the vacuum down leaves a trailing edge of fluid. Downfall is on VPI when someone closes the lid with the tube in place it breaks the wand. Over and over at $30 a crack. YMMV.

Randy, just to be clear. Some people use their turntable to do a quick clean of the record before playing. They use products like DiscWasher which has been around since the 70s. Rega discourages this on their tables, probably because the suspension is somewhat fragile and DW requires pressing down with a bit of force. I doubt Roy Gandy is against the idea of cleaning vinyl on an external RCM. If and when you start dumpster diving in the $1 and $2 bins, you'll quickly discover you have to deep clean these things. They sound terrible if you don't. There are lots of different ways to do this. VPI HW-16.5 is a classic example, but there are less expensive creative methods like steam cleaning that are gaining in popularity. Search for steam cleaning in the analog forums on you'll find some excellent info. A carbon fiber brush like the Audioquest should be a supplement to deep cleaning. I hope this helps. -Mark
Another cleaning option is to buy the Nitty Gritty Record Doctor III - you have to turn the record yourself, but it is WAY cheaper than alot of other machines and mine does a great job. I use the Audio Intelligent fluids with it, which are great - it's a three step process with an enzymatic fluid, the regular cleaner, and a pure water step. I have had excellent results with that system. I have a P5, by the way. I also agree with the Audioquest dry brush suggestion. They are great.
I have exactly the same cleaning regimen and RCM as Learsfool and recommend it highly. Good luck, Dave

Thanks for the information .... I also like the simplicity of set-up of rega tables ..... And they are excellent performers for the money ......... Enjoy your table ...

Thanks so much for all the commentary. I'm going to investigate RCM’s, hopefully I'll see some on Agon - thanks for suggesting a few possibilities. I’ll also pursue a dry brush as added arsenal to support my efforts.

My LP collection is in pretty good shape, but through the years a click here and pop there have surfaced. I’m curious as to how effective RCM’s are at removing these blemishes? I suspect the success depends on the severity of the blemish, but I am wondering just how much of this can be cleaned away?

One other item: I’ve begun pursuing a major revamp of my collection by buying 180 or 200 gram LPs. They do sound pretty good but are rather pricey. Any one care to comment on these?

Thanks again all,
Steam, is the way to go. With a $30 unit from Walmart you are set to go. Yes, a brush, carbon fiber, is also needed.
I can't imagine playing any vinyl that hasn't been thoroughly cleaned i.e. with a liquid cleaning solution and vacuum. Or steam.

Simple brushing can't do it.

Randy, I'm using a a basic Nitty Gritty 1.5 machine that requires you to turn the record by hand. It gets the job done though, no complaints. I agree that the ultimate in cleaning is steam cleaning, nothing compares to that method for addressing the worst of lps that need a deep cleaning. I'm a wee bit lazy though. I run a record through the Nitty Gritty first and then play it first before deciding to steam clean. Often, the wet vacuuming all it needs. If I like the lp and it needs further attention, then it gets the steam cleaning treatment. After cleaning, it goes in a new sleeve. Then, all it ever needs again is a good brushing. The degree of success you have removing tics and pops depends on their cause. If they are caused by abrasions and scratches, nothing helps other than selecting cartridges that minimize this type of noise. However, a surprising amount of groove noise, low level tics and such are removed by deep cleaning. I've bought many used records that are nearly mint but were previously owned by cat loving, cola swilling/spilling record owners. After vacuuming away the animal hair, dust, dander, and sticky fingerprints, most of them play like new again.
A record cleaning machine is a very good thing. You can surely get by without one, but they are terrific and worth every penny if you like playing records and getting the highest quality sound from them.

As for 180g and 200g records, I think they can be better than standard pressings, but often they are not.

For everyday cleaning of surface dust a carbon fibre brush is the way to go. I just replaced mine with one of the carbon fibre brushed with velvet between the 2 lines of carbon fibre. I think it works better than the straight carbon fibre brush but they are very good too.

I keep spending money on records, many second hand, and I think a record cleaning machine is essential. However, since I keep spending my money on records I've never bought one. However, what I did was to use the idea of a modified crevice tool from this web site: and I use an old turntable I picked up cheap as the platform for cleaning. For over 95% of records this works a treat. I also steam the record first.

For those really stubborn records which still have pops and crackles after my normal cleaning process I use an artists paint brush and run straight isopropyl through the grooves before the normal cleaning process of steam, clean with fluid (one thirs isoproipyl, two thirds water and a few drops of dishwasher rinse aid) and clean/rinse with straight distilled water. I have a record I just bought which has crackles all the way through and I am about to try the PVA glue method on that one, we'll see how that goes but plenty of people swear by it - only for the really stubborn records in my opiunion though.

Have to second the opinions already voiced. I use the audioquest brush which is good at getting the top dust off and keeping it off the needle but it is not a subsitute for wet cleaning. If your buying used records you MUST have a wet cleaning system to get the years of dirt/glunk thats accumulated.