Record Sleeves - Which ones and where?

I'm looking to replace all of my record sleeves with better ones. I've seen polyethylene, polypropylene, and rice paper lined. What's the difference? I'm looking for the best place to buy them too. Is it worth getting outer sleeves too? Please advise. Thanks!

Showing 9 responses by markd51

Hello, There's numerous places to buy Sleeves. One, is Sleeve Town (Or is it Sleeve City)
Usually places like Elusive Disc, Needle Doctor, Garage A Records sell them.

I have always bought my Poly Lined Inner, and Outer Sleeves from MusicDirect.

While the Mobile Fidelity Sleeves are really nice, they do also cost a bundle, and generally are sold in quantities of 50.

The Inner Sleeves I have usually bought from MusicDirect are a high quality Poly Lined Paper Sleeve, are very well made, are quite a bit less money than the Mo-Fi's, and can be gotten in lots of 100. (They may still break lots of these to sell lots of 50 also, you'd have to inquire)

As for Outer Sleeves, yes, they are a wise investment, and if you only use Inner Sleeves, IMO you are only doing half the job of protecting your LPs from Dust, and wear, and tear.

The very best Outer Sleeves I have ever bought, and used, were the 6-mil Resealable Japanese Sleeves that MusicDirect sells.

These are not a "stretchy" plastic, where when you go to open the Flap, the Sleeve itself wishes to stretch, and tear. I've had these, and didn't like them, and returned them once with an in store purchase.

They are just large enough to hold some "thinner" double LPs, and will contain any of the single Mo-Fi releases, but will not hold any of the occasional triples you might have. Hope this helps you,

Bes Nivera is the guy to speak with at MusicDirect, ask for him. He'll know what you want, as they carry a plethora of Inner, and Outer Sleeves in various price ranges. Mark
Sorry Hartwerger, My post did leave a bit to be explained, and was sort of vague re-reading back.
I'll explain further.

My opinion of Outer Sleeves, is that yes, they will actually protect the LP itself, even though one might not be able to see immediately how this is.

Imagine this if you will, your LPs sitting on a shelf, rack, or wherever 9Hopefully in an upright manner, and as they sit, the dust accumilates. Two weeks, two months, two years, six years, etc. etc. Imagine if you will, the amount of dust landing on your beloved, and expensive LPs. If you live in a desert climate like I do in New Mexico, all the more reason for the Outer Sleeves.

Eventually, dust will get in, thus intruding into the inner Sleeves, and ultimately the LP itself even if you might think it won't. The other obvious benefit, is the protection of the LP Outer covers themselves.

When a person has just perhaps a dozen LPs, then maybe one might feel what's the use?, but when collections start numbering into the multiple 100's, I feel it's very wise to protect this investment as well as possible.

For years I went without, but for the last 10 years I haven't. I feel the Outer Sleeves were a very wise investment, and whenever I buy used LPs, they get the complete treatment, Last, or Disc Doctor Cleaners, Last Preservative, and always new Inner, and Outer Sleeves.
I know when I go to pull one of these LPs, even if it's a year later, all is fine, and spotless. Hope this helps, Mark
Hello Spenceroo,
To tell the truth, I'm unsure what these Japanese Outer Sleeves were in thickness, and perhaps I was correct the first time with my rememberence that they were 6 Mil? lol

Anyhow, they are nice, aren't they?

Sadly, all these little goodies we buy are somewhat expensive. I just ordered some RRL Cleaning products, and I know they are very good, but it does hurt when you think for a second that these liquids cost $100 to $200 a Gallon! And we thought Gasoline was expensive.

Do let us know when the KAB EV-1 Machine arrives, and how you like it. I'll be interested to hear how it works, and it's ease of use. Mark
What I have always done, and I'm sure all will agree with my practices, is that any plain jane inner paper sleeves with no writing on them, or the ones that may show just other releases by the manufacturer (EMI-Capitol, RCA-etc) I usually dump as quickly as possible.

Those that have Pictures, and/or Lyrics, and information about the particular release, definitely do keep them, and in general, I have usually found ample room to place these inside the LP Jacket with the LP, and new Inner Sleeve without too much crowding, or difficulty getting the LP in, and out.

If you should personally find a release, in which it is just too tight a fit to fit both Inner Sleeves, then yes, place the saved original inner Sleeve outside the Jacket, and place at the rear of the Jacket within the Outer Sleeve for protection, and safe keeping for future reference.

Hope this helps. Mark
Hi Spenceroo,
What I believe about the Original Paper Sleeves, and I'm sure this is why we all "convert" over to a better Inner Sleeve, is that the repeated removal, and insertion of the LP will eventually cause scratching to the LP. The Paper IMO, is very abrasive, and not as forgiving as Poly-Plastic, or the very good Rice Paper.

Generally, you'll find on new high end quality releases-reissues, such as DCI, EMI, and of course Mobile FIdelity Sound Labs (yes, there are others as well) that they will come with high quality Poly Sleeves right from the Presser-Manufacturer.

My technique for removing, and re-inserting LPs from thier Sleeve, is to insure my hand never touches the grooves at any cost. I always reach inside the Sleeve, and let my fingers support, and come in contact with the LP at the Label Area only, while my Thumb grasps-touches the very outer edge only. I let the gravity of the LP be supported in this hand, and carefully slide the LP out from its Sleeve, holding the Sleeve with the other hand. It's a bit of a balancing act, but one gets good quickly, without any mishaps. Same process for re-inserting the LP.

Hand oils, dirt, and what other nasties one might have on thier hands is something that should never get on your LPs. Greasy Pizzas, and LPs most certainly don't mix very well! :-)

CDs of course aren't quite so sensitive, or prone to damage, but even these I always grasp from the very edges, and never touch the Playing surfaces. Mark
Correct Johnbrown, I believe I did make an error stating they were 6 mil thick, and are probably 3 mil thick? Bes at MusicDirect can probably confirm this.

What I think the material is, is Mylar, and heck, I got Snare Drum, Snare Side Heads that are made of 3 mil thick Mylar! The Remo Ambassador Snare Side is a 3 mil thick Head.

It is not a "stretchy" material, thus when you go to open the flap to extract an LP, it doesn't stretch all out of shape like a poly outer sleeve will. Not to say that they are bulletproof, but with care will last many years, and will protect your vinyl investment.

As you said John, they are crystal clear, and I'm very happy somebody came along making a quality product like this. Mark
Hmm, Ok Spenceroo,
I see they are totally different from what I use.
As I believe I said previously, I first bought these nice Japan resealable sleeves many years ago, then went in, and bought some more, and they were different, and brought them back. Finally after some time, they had gotten these same type sleeves I always used, and bought I think 200, so I would be good to go for quite a length of time.

These reseable sleeves as I have said, were with Black Writing on the Peel Strip, but I do indeed note, that once the Strip is removed, there is then 'White writing" where the Flap will adhere.

Gotaa talk to Bess at MusicDirect soon, and see if they still get these same ones I use. I've been happy with them, and for the majority of my collection, I have most with these Outer Sleeves.

I would think most the better ones will be pretty good, and it looks like Sleevetown does sell some very good products. I see they do thoroughly describe thier products, which virtaully all other vendors do not.

In fact, I think I might see what goodies Sleevetown all has next time I need some. (I'll let them send me some samples of everything)

The most important thing, is that they do thier required jobs protecting the LP against dust, and wear. Mark
Hmm, Spenceroo, May I ask you this?
Where the Peel Strip is on the MusicDirect Outer Sleeves, does this have what appears to be some black ink Japanese writing? Mine does, and these that I have are prefectly crystal clear, like looking through a Pane of Glass.

I've once seen another Sleeve in person that MusicDirect once carried, that had a different "red ink" writing. Very similar, but there were some personal dislikeable differences, and didn't buy these particular Sleeves. Maybe somewhere along the line, materials used have changed?