Reel to reel deck directly to power amp ?

Thinking about my totally new future system. The main source is going to be reel to reel deck, most likely Otari two track, possibly Studer A810. I will keep the turntable and run the phono thru deck. So I will need only one input, decks have volume control and preamp. I don't think I will need separate preamp. Do you ?
Power amps could be both transistor and tube, maybe even hybrids - Lamm, as an example, would very much depend on speakers. Don't know what speakers, could be as different as Harbeth and Kharma.

Showing 1 response by ct0517


One has always been able to get blank tape for $50 dollars a reel. Two reels are needed at 15 IPS to drop down an album. This is about passion for involvement with the medium. And if one thinks playing vinyl is alot of work ...try playing albums on 15 IPS tapes for 8 hours.

They are both toys compared to this, I guess.