Branimir, very nice summary. I am reading in to your description of Metronome sound being bigger and fuller as being closer to lifelike bigness of sound as it is apparent in live jazz band. It is curious that you single out this description to Metronome sound and not others. Is Esoteric, AA and Orpheus have same big 'density' sound as compared to Metronome?
I personally value bigness and fuller sound since it move a lot of air and hence approaches life-like sound.
Also I will be curious to know if you have auditioned and compared these DACs sound to a well set up analog front end. Or if you have your own analog set up and compared to the best of the digital sound. Not to necessarily compare which one is better but the key differences that stands out. This is not a anlog v/s digital question or trying to hijack Teajay's excellent thread but to get a feel for what the best in digiatl has to offer in comaprision to best in analog. I hope Teajay does not mind this comparision.
I personally value bigness and fuller sound since it move a lot of air and hence approaches life-like sound.
Also I will be curious to know if you have auditioned and compared these DACs sound to a well set up analog front end. Or if you have your own analog set up and compared to the best of the digital sound. Not to necessarily compare which one is better but the key differences that stands out. This is not a anlog v/s digital question or trying to hijack Teajay's excellent thread but to get a feel for what the best in digiatl has to offer in comaprision to best in analog. I hope Teajay does not mind this comparision.