Rega P5 platter upgrade

I am thinking of replacing the glass platter on my Rega P5 TT with either the Groovetracer Acrylic platter or the Funk Firm Achroplat. The prices are comparable,so that is not an issue, the only issue is availability. I have replaced the factory sub platter and counter weight, with the Groovetracer upgrades and have been extremely happy with the sonic and mechanical improvements. Frank the owner is also extremely nice and very helpful. The problem is the platter is not available and he doesn't know when it will be. The Achroplat is, but I have not read any posts from anyone who has used the Funk Firm acrylic platter. Any input would be appreciated.
Thank you for the responses. Especially to you Frank, as I will now wait for your Acrylic Platter, since we have some sort of time frame. At my age I don't like waste any days.
Hi, I have sold a few subplatters to owners of the Achroplat. I just need to machine it a little differently. The customer must to tell me when placing an order.
Acrylic platters will be available in 3-4 weeks.
The Funk Firm platter is not acrylic, it's a softer surface with bubbles. See the Funk Firm website:

I have one and loved it until I upgraded the subplatter to the Deep Groove model. The Achroplat then would not work. This platter uses the smaller spindle hole to attach and center itself to the subplatter and wobbled on the Deep Groove subplatter. I am now using an Iron Audio/Sheer Audio acrylic platter that has the larger hole just like the Rega glass platter.

I have heard, but can't confirm that the Achroplat will work on the GrooveTracer subplatter. I would check with Frank to be sure.