Rega RP8 or Pro-ject Xtension 10

I'm looking to buy a new turntable and wanted to know thoughts on my two finalist. The Rega RP8 with the Apheta 2 cartridge or the Project Xtension 10 with the Sumiko Pearwood Celebration ll cartridge. I have the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium preamp and PL Dialogue Premium HP mono-block amps driving a pair of Magnepan 20.7's. I am also auditioning the Rega Aria phono-stage and the Lehmann audio Black cube SE ll. If you have any experience with any of the above your opinion would be much appreciated.


I would look for a deal on a SME 10 or a deal on a Dr. Feickert per the link below. IMO and I have owned SME 10, Rega, and Pro-Ject 10, the SME or the Dr. Feickert both sound better than the two you are looking at right now. Both have better bass and drive.
The Rega subscribes to the low mass school of thought, while the ProJect is of the high mass variety. I have the Xtension 10 and can’t say enough good things about it. 
@simao thank you sir, I’m actually leaning that way. I’m going to give it one more audition this weekend and then make my purchase. 

They're both good, well lauded tables. I would think the RP8 is slightly better build quality and I'd prefer the Apheta to the Sumiko, but either will do you just fine. 
It's not the only source in the US. And US is not the only country one can get it from. 
@donvito101 SME 10 can be had new for under $4500, from various legitimate sources. Minus the tonearm. I'll leave it up to you to find them.
Between those two, Rega RP8 without doubt! But Gyro SE is on a different level better. And with your budget, you may even be able to get an SME Model 10. 

I haven't listened to the Mitchell Gyro SE as there is no dealer who sells that brand in my area. These are the two I have narrowed my choices down to. I have a budget of $5,500.
