Removing spikes... Now my speakers sing

Have you tried to replace the spikes under your speakers, and replace them by footers ?  I find a better unity in the music from my speakers, and beefy sound, and more natural music.

Showing 4 responses by elizabeth

With all the possible combinations of speaker cabinet/flooring interactions possible. there is no one size fits all.Plus the likes of the listener. More bloom? vs tighter sound?Glad the op found something better. but IMO this discussion is not going anyplace.. except to say different stuff works for different situations.
I am ALWAYS high.... on music!  
The Government does not know just how good life is on music. If they knew, they would tax it. Or outlaw it.
And I do not even need a prescription!, nor a dealer*..... Well I do need an equipment dealer, and someone to buy albums from.Are they "Drug Dealers?"
Once you just give in and finally DO have sex with the aliens, everything just makes sense.
To reiterate getting all FOUR spikes to carry the weight equally is very important, no matter the flooring. Carpet, tile wood..I used to used a set of slippery thin samples. I would set them under each foot and pull. I knew when the weight was equal by feel of the pull. It is just one way to do it.